NTNU Department of Architecture and Planning



Sitte, Camillo, City planning according to artistic principles, 1889.


Howard, Ebenezer, Garden cities of to-morrow, 1902.


Garnier, Tony, Une cité industrielle, 1932.


Le Corbusier, The Athens charter, 1933.


Lynch, Kevin, The image of a city, 1960.


Jacobs, Jane, The death and life of great American cities, 1961.


Norberg-Schulz, Christian, Intentions in architecture, 1963.

Norberg-Schulz, Christian, Genius loci: towards a phenomenology of architecture,1980.


Alexander, Christopher, A city is not a tree, 1965


Rossi, Aldo, The architecture of the city, 1966.


Lang, Peter, William Menking, Superstudio : life without objects, 2003.


Venturi, Robert, Complexity and contradiction in architecture, 1966.

Venturi, Brown, Izenour, Learning from Las Vegas: the forgotten symbolism of architectural form, 1972.


Debord, Guy, The society of the spectacle, 1967.


Sadler, Simon, The situationist city, 1998.


Gehl, Jan, Life between buildings : using public space, 1970.


Ungers, O. M. (Oswald Matthias), Rem Koolhaas, City in the city – Berlin: a green archipelago, 1977.


Ungers, O. M., Morphologie / City Metaphors, 1982.

Ungers, O. M., Architettura come tema / Architecture as theme,1982.

Ungers, O.M., The Dialectic City, 1997.


Rowe, Colin, Fred Koetter, Collage City, 1978.


Koolhaas, Rem, Delirious New York: A retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan, 1978.

Koolhaas, Rem, Generic City, in O.M.A., Rem Koolhaas, Bruce Mau: S, M, L, XL, 1995.


Ellefsen, Karl Otto, Dag Tvilde, Realistisk Byanalyse, 1991.


Garreau, Joel, Edge city : life on the new frontier, 1991.


Magnago Lampugnani, Vittorio, Die Modernität des Dauerhaften: Essays zu Stadt, Architektur und Design,1995.

Magnago Lampugnani, Vittorio, Die Architektur, die Tradition und der Ort. Regionalismen in der europäischen Stadt, 2000.

Magnago Lampugnani, Vittorio, Thomas K. Keller, Benjamin Buser (eds.), Städtische Dichte, 2007.

Magnago Lampugnani, Vittorio, Urban Design as craft / Stadtbau als Handwerk: Eleven conversations and seven projects 1999-2011, 2011.

Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Konstanze Sylva Domhardt, Rainer Schützeichel (eds.), Enzyklopädie zum gestalteten Raum Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Stadt und Landschaft, 2014.


Pope, Albert, Ladders, 1997.


Sieverts, Thomas, Zwischenstadt: Zwischen Ort und Welt, Raum und Zeit, Stadt und Land,  1997.


Oswald, Franz, Peter Baccini, Netzstadt: transdisziplinäre Methoden zum Umbau urbaner Systeme, 1998.

Oswald, Franz, Peter Baccini, Netzstadt: Designing the urban / Einführung in das Stadtentwerfen, 2003.


Kaijima, Momoyo, Made in Tokyo, 2001.


De Geyter, Xaveer, After-sprawl : research for the contemporary city, 2002.


Christiaanse, Kees, Situation – KCAP Architects and Planners, 2005.


Baum, Martina, Christiaanse Kees (eds.), City as Loft : Adaptive Reuse as a Resource for Sustainable Urban Development, 2012.


Overmeyer, Klaus, Urban Pioneers: Temporary Use and Urban Development in Berlin,  2007.

Philipp Oswalt, Klaus Overmeyer, Philipp Misselwitz (eds.), Urban Catalyst – The power of temporary use, 2013.


Lehnerer, Alexander, Grand Urban Rules, 2009.


Mostafavi, Mohsen / Harvard GSD (eds.), Ecological Urbanism, 2010.


Mikoleit , Anne, Moritz Purckhauer, Urban Code: 100 Lessons for Understanding the City,  2011.


Sonne, Wolfgang, Urbanität und Dichte im Städtebau des 20. Jahrhunderts, 2014.